Custom Bookshelves in Two Flavors

The last year has been a big one for Phoenix Handcraft. After years of dreaming and saving and looking, we finally found a home on property with enough space for our studios. We moved into the house late last summer and spent the winter and early spring building out our studios. We’ll have more on that later, but for now, let’s catch up on some of our projects!

First up are two sets of custom forged steel bookshelves in two distinct styles. The top set features fairly traditional steel brackets with walnut shelves made by our friend and frequent collaborator, Christina Boy.

{Click or tap images to enlarge.}

The second set of custom bookshelves is created in a more minimal, modern style from textured steel with glass shelves.

Stay tuned as we add more projects in the next few weeks and months! We’re looking forward to spending the summer getting caught up.