Botanical Steel and Mosaic Sculptures

As we continued to brainstorm collaborative sculpture ideas, we decided our first batch of sculptures would include a variety of sizes and styles. Once we finished the tabletop abstract sculptures, we wanted to go bigger.

We settled on bamboo as a subject that provides opportunity for each of our mediums to shine. It also offered Kyle an opportunity to try something different with a theme he’s returned to a few times.

Kyle made a variety of forged textured leaves as well as the hollow shapes of leaves for Johannah to fill with mosaic. He finished the sculpture with a rust brown patina. Johannah chose bright yellowy-green for the mosaic leaves. We were really pleased with the way the monochrome green and the warm tones of the finished steel work together.

The last piece in this first run of sculptural pieces is a pea plant. Kyle forged a beautiful pea plant complete with corkscrew tendrils as well as a hollow pea shape form. He finished it with the same rust brown patina. Johannah found flat green marbles in the perfect size and color to represent peas for this piece.