Jepson Hall Mosaic

Earlier this year we were commissioned to create a portrait of Jepson Hall, one of the buildings on the beautiful University of Richmond campus, as a retirement gift. 

{Click on any of the images to enlarge.}

The biggest challenge with this piece was working the detail of the building into the relatively small space of the mosaic. In the end, Johannah decided to let the grout serve as the white stone elements. This meant working with three different grout colors altogether, which in turn meant lots of taping off between colors!

In this angled image, you can see that the building was created from flat, unglazed porcelain while the sky in the background and landscape in the foreground were created from shiny glass. Below, the finish piece in the reclaimed walnut frame made by Kyle.

Randolph Macon logo mosaic

We made our first college logo mosaic! This was a fun request over the summer for a piece celebrating Randolph Macon College. The finished mosaic was given as a gift to a friend of the school.

Kyle's proposal sketch of the logo as a mosaic.

Kyle's proposal sketch of the logo as a mosaic.

Making this fairly traditional-style logo mosaic was a fun change of pace for us. And of course we love that the work was in support of a local college and business.