Made in RVA Take 2

Next week, we’re excited to take part in Made in RVA Take 2. This is the second annual show of local handcrafted furniture & furnishings hosted by Richmond's awesome independent furniture store, LaDiff.

We created three new pieces of furniture as well as a line of mosaics just for this show. Take a peek at a few process photos below.

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Kyle created the shelves and body of this media console in cherry. The legs are forged steel with hammer texturing along the length and fold-formed feet. The edges of the shelves are clad in riveted steel.

Johannah is exploring a new-to-her technique of setting tesserae (mosaic tile) directly in mortar, rather than gluing tiles and then grouting over them. This is the method used to create the ancient Byzantine and Roman mosaics, as well as an ever-growing body of gorgeous modern mosaics. She's created a line of miniature and small pieces in this technique using reclaimed and found materials alongside traditional smalti, a thick opaque glass.

Last but definitely not least, Kyle made a pair of sleek-lined end tables with walnut tops and forged solid steel legs.

Come on by the opening reception or stop by in the next few weeks to check out these pieces along with the work of 12 other local artists and artisans, beautifully displayed in the LaDiff show room in Shockoe Bottom. Hope to see you there!

Custom Coat Racks

Time for another round of some of our latest custom mosaic coat racks! Scroll down to read more about the ideas that inspire our custom coat racks and see the resulting artwork.

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This piece in ocean colors was for a family that lives near the beach.

A few process shots, clockwise from top left: sorting colors, a blue and white piece inspired by an earlier coat rack, a gradient of cool colors on the worktable, and a finished shot of the cool colors piece. Would you be surprised to learn that greens and blues are by far the most popular colors for custom coat racks?

This red and tan piece was a special request for a coat rack with three hooks.

Grouting a silver, blue, and purple mosaic in a white frame. This was our first request for a painted frame.

Saving the best for last.... this special piece stars the Chicago skyline. Several landmarks in particular were requested (from left to right): the Willis (formerly Sears) Tower, Cloud Gate (aka, the Bean), the Navy Pier ferris wheel, and the Cubs logo. We used found materials to set these points apart from the rest of the cityscape. All in all, a fun and satisfying piece to create!

Want to see more?? You can see the previous group of custom mosaic coat racks here.

To order your own custom mosaic coat rack, stop by our online shop. Have questions or something unique in mind? Use our contact form or email Johannah at

Mosaic river panels

It's not every day a commission comes along in your favorite colors AND your favorite theme. But that's exactly what happened here! This client was looking to add something special to the entry of their riverside home. We created two mosaic panels inspired by the James River in shades of cool greys and blues.

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We used this sampling of colors found throughout the house to create the palette for the mosaic panels.

Abstraction of natural imagery is one of Johannah's favorite inspirations. For the mosaic panels, she created waves of color to reflect the shimmering movement of the river. You can see some of the notes she used to create the shading of color in the photo above.

More progress shots, from complete color palette in the top left to grouting in the bottom right.

First panel installed! With the door slightly ajar, you can see how well the mosaic colors coordinate with the palette in the house. Success!

The second panel, and the gorgeous view of the river from the house. The wall of windows directly across from the entrance where the mosaics reside immerse you in the greenery of the lush woods along the river's edge. What an honor to be part of this beautiful retreat from the world.