Our latest custom coat racks

Time for another round-up of our most recent custom coat racks! You can see more examples in our past blog posts and in our portfolio.

The fun part about the coat racks included here is that each was inspired by the details, colors, or style of an existing coat rack. That makes each piece a truly satisfying collaboration between our style and the client's preferences.

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Here's a series of work-in-progress shots.

The finished mosaics installed in their wooden frames with handforged hooks attached.

And a few detail shots of the finished pieces!

If you've got coats and bags in need of organizing, or want to add some color and texture to a functional item. we'd love to help you! Check out our custom listings for a four- or six-hook coat rack, find us on Etsy, or reach out to us by email.

Moonlight Mosaics

Unlike much of the work Johannah has been doing lately, including the two series we posted about last fall, this series doesn't have any deep philosophical or political meaning. Instead, these pieces were inspired by the blue porcelain tile featured in all three, especially the darkest blue. Isn't that a gorgeous color? Especially paired with shades of white stained glass and black mortar.

These mosaics celebrate a deep love of the moon and the night sky. "Night Waves," the first piece in the series, was inspired by the glow of a full moon over an open body of water. "Moon Glow" depicts that haze of glow around the moon, perhaps on clouds, perhaps on a clear night. The most recent piece, "Night Clouds," was inspired by the rushing movement of clouds on a windy night, and the way a star sparkles between them for a moment.

"Nature Therapy" mosaic series

Is there anything more soothing than scenes from nature? For us, like so many artists, nature is the siren call of art subjects. Whether it's to remind ourselves of the everyday beauty that surrounds us, or to connect with others so they might more strongly feel the call to protect our environment, nature is a subject that is at the heart of who we are and what we do.

This series I call “Nature Therapy” was an unplanned, spontaneous journey. "Leaves" was the first piece to arise, driven by a need to create something green and lush, and inspired by my talented friend Emily Herr's Thrive series, especially some of the leaf shapes in this piece and the colors in this one.

"Trees" and "Mountain" came next, designed with the simple, graphic shapes and similar color scheme of the first piece. As with all unplanned journeys, this one took me to unexpected places. When I got to the end of this series, I realized that the point-of-view moved further out with each consecutive piece, from leaf to tree to forest.

As I worked on this series, I thought about the idea that time spent in nature heals and nurtures us, even nature viewed through a window. The political climate during the Trump administration had me thinking of the inequities of this idea, the fact that access to nature has become a privilege for some rather than a right of all, that the lives of some populations are unduly burdened by their lack of access to clean nature. So a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this series will go to Green for All, whose mission is to build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty.